Freaks and Geeks (1999 - 2000 )

After her grandmother's death, a high school mathlete starts hanging out with a group of burnouts while her younger brother navigates his freshman year.
links: IMDb
seasons: 1

Latest additions

Freaks and Geeks - Caricature of Sam, Neal & Bill

The artist says about this:

"From one of the best shows out there: Freaks and Geeks.
This show gives me the feels all over.
Even when I'm watching it for the fifth time."

Freaks and Geeks - Bill Haverchuck

The artist says about this: "My submission for the Judd Apatow show at Gallery1988 in Los Angeles! I sure wish Freaks and Geeks lasted more than one season!"

Freaks and Geeks - Neal Schweiber

The artist says about this: "My submission for the Judd Apatow show at Gallery1988 in Los Angeles! I sure wish Freaks and Geeks lasted more than one season!"

Freaks and Geeks - Sam Weir

The artist says about this: "My submission for the Judd Apatow show at Gallery1988 in Los Angeles! I sure wish Freaks and Geeks lasted more than one season!"