American television sitcom created by Mitchell Hurwitz which originally aired on Fox for three seasons from 2003 to 2006. A fourth season of 15 episodes was released on Netflix on May 2013. The show follows the fictitious Bluth family, a formerly wealthy and habitually dysfunctional family, and is presented in a continuous format, incorporating handheld camera work, narration, archival photos, and historical footage. Arrested Development is set in Newport Beach, California.
Since its debut in 2003, the series has received widespread critical acclaim, six Primetime Emmy Awards and one Golden Globe Award, and has attracted a cult following, including several fan-based websites. In 2007, Time listed it among the magazine's "All-TIME 100 TV Shows". In 2008, the show was ranked 16th on Entertainment Weekly's "New TV Classics" list. In 2011, IGN named Arrested Development the "funniest show of all time"..
seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5