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The Big Bang Theory - Big Rock Bang Band Theory

The artist on deviantart says: "This is a digital commission featuring the buyer's nephew playing Rock Band with the characters from "The Big Bang Theory".

Pretty Little Liars - Realistic Emily Fields
The artist says on deviant art: "Her Secret - She's a closet lesbian."
Pretty Little Liars - Realistic Hanna Marin
The artist says on deviantart: "Her Secret - She lost all that weight so fast by throwing up her food. Oh, and some of her designer accessories aren't paid for."
Pretty Little Liars - Realistic Aria Montgomery
The artist says on deviantart: "Her SeCret - She slept with the English Teacher."
Pretty Little Liars - Realistic Spencer Hastings
The artist says on deviantart: "Her Lie - Her award winning essay was a forgery."
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